Python PIP has issues with path for MS Visual Studio 2010 Express for 64-bit install on Windows 7

Ultimately I was able to get pip running. In a nutshell (and redundant from info above) here is what I did to intall 64-bit packages for python 3.3: 1) Installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express Download Here ( 2) Installed Microsoft SDK 7.1 (Windows 7) ( 3) Built/enabled the 64-bit tools in SDK. Go to … Read more

Pip suddenly using wrong version of Python

I run with multiple Python versions and thus multiple pip versions as well. Everytime, however, you update pip, you’ll replace the standard pip command with the version you updated. So even pip3 install –upgrade pip will put a /usr/local/bin/pip in your system, messing up the Python 2 version. Instead, I run pip as an (executable) … Read more

Install python wheel file without using pip

I’m assuming you have internet access, but you don’t have a working pip installation. Download the pip wheel: wget To find the url of a release in the first place, you can get the index json endpoint. For example: $ curl -s | jq “.urls[0].url” “” For users not scripting this but just … Read more

Copy complete virtualenv to another pc

Do the following steps on the source machine: workon [environment_name] pip freeze > requirements.txt copy requirements.txt to other PC On the other PC: create a virtual environment using mkvirtualenv [environment_name] workon [environment_name] pip install -r requirements.txt You should be done. Other Resources: How to Copy/Clone a Virtual Environment from Server to Local Machine

pip: Could not find an activated virtualenv (required)

Open your ~/.bashrc file and see if this line is there – export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=true It might be causing the trouble. If it’s there, change it to false and run – source ~/.bashrc If not, run export PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=false from terminal. Note: everything works the same if you have .bash_profile instead of .bashrc in your current user’s … Read more

Credentials in pip.conf for private PyPI

You could store credentials for Pip to use in ~/.netrc like this: machine login johndoe password changeme Pip will use these credentials when accessing but won’t log them. You must specify the index server separately (such as in pip.conf as in the question). Note that ~/.netrc must be owned by the user pip … Read more