How to auto execute a macro when opening a Powerpoint presentation?

While Auto_Open doesn’t run in a PowerPoint presentation, you can fake it. Add a CustomUI part to the presentation, then use the CustomUI OnLoad callback to run code when the presentation opens. The CustomUI part needs no more than just the CustomUI tags. Get the Custom UI Editor from here: Open the presentation in … Read more

Writing custom code for PowerPoint using leap motion?

The LEAP Motion Controller Add-ins for Microsoft Office which you found is likely to be the best way to integrate the controller with Powerpoint. To get started with it, you’ll need Visual Studio (seems like you’ll need 2012). Microsoft has an overview page for Office Development in Visual Studio. Follow the instructions on the Configuring … Read more

python-pptx – How to replace keyword across multiple runs?

As one can find in python-pptx’s documentation at a text frame is made up of paragraphs and a paragraph is made up of runs and specifies a font configuration that is used as the default for it’s runs. runs specify part of the paragraph’s text with a certain font configuration – possibly different from … Read more

How to copy a chart from Excel to PowerPoint?

What you need to do is invoke the PasteSpecial “Keep Source Formatting and Embed Workbook”. Assume you have already created the charts, and the slides, placeholders/etc., and you have already copied the chart and navigated to the destination slide, and that you have an object like PPTApp to represent the PowerPoint.Application object. Instead of using … Read more

Embed a Powerpoint in a Web Page

Plain and simple…this is the best method to embed any Microsoft or Adobe file into a HTML website. <iframe src=”[https://www.your_website/file_name.pptx]” width=”100%” height=”600px” frameborder=”0″>

Embed a PowerPoint presentation into HTML

Google Docs can serve up PowerPoint (and PDF) documents in it’s document viewer. You don’t have to sign up for Google Docs, just upload it to your website, and call it from your page: <iframe src=”” style=”width:600px; height:500px;” frameborder=”0″></iframe>