Counting unique values in a column in pandas dataframe like in Qlik?

Count distinct values, use nunique: df[‘hID’].nunique() 5 Count only non-null values, use count: df[‘hID’].count() 8 Count total values including null values, use the size attribute: df[‘hID’].size 8 Edit to add condition Use boolean indexing: df.loc[df[‘mID’]==’A’,’hID’].agg([‘nunique’,’count’,’size’]) OR using query: df.query(‘mID == “A”‘)[‘hID’].agg([‘nunique’,’count’,’size’]) Output: nunique 5 count 5 size 5 Name: hID, dtype: int64

Add style to a javascript button

I have a javascript code that I would like to add a simple style to the buttons. Even if I have to add CSS please let me know where to add it and using which line. Thanks. define([“jquery”,”qlik”], function($, qlik) { return { initialProperties: { version: 1.0, var_to_use: “vButtonValue”, num_of_buttons: “1”, buttonname1: ” YTD “, … Read more