Write CSV To File Without Enclosures In PHP

The warnings about foregoing enclosures are valid, but you’ve said they don’t apply to your use-case. I’m wondering why you can’t just use something like this? <?php $fields = array( “field 1″,”field 2″,”field3hasNoSpaces” ); fputs(STDOUT, implode(‘,’, $fields).”\n”);

What is the use case for Ruby’s %q / %Q quoting methods?

They’re extraordinarily useful for escaping HTML with JavaScript in it where you’ve already “run out” of quoting methods: link = %q[<a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10144543/javascript:method(“call’)”>link</a>] I’ve also found them to be very useful when working with multi-line SQL statements: execute(%Q[ INSERT INTO table_a (column_a) SELECT value FROM table_b WHERE key=’value’ ]) The advantage there is you don’t need … Read more

How do you strip quotes out of an ECHO’ed string in a Windows batch file?

The call command has this functionality built in. To quote the help for call: Substitution of batch parameters (%n) has been enhanced. You can now use the following optional syntax: %~1 – expands %1 removing any surrounding quotes (“) Here is a primitive example: @echo off setlocal set mystring=”this is some quoted text” echo mystring=%mystring% … Read more

PHP: different quotes?

Variable-substitution isn’t done when using single quotes (‘), meaning that the values in your first example would literally be $1 $2 etc if it was a regular string and not passed on to a function that replaces them. If you don’t need variable-substitiution, it’s better to stick with single quotes for performance reasons. “ invokes … Read more

Finding quoted strings with escaped quotes in C# using a regular expression

What you’ve got there is an example of Friedl’s “unrolled loop” technique, but you seem to have some confusion about how to express it as a string literal. Here’s how it should look to the regex compiler: “[^”\\]*(?:\\.[^”\\]*)*” The initial “[^”\\]* matches a quotation mark followed by zero or more of any characters other than … Read more