How do I put this on Real-Time? I already put (async: True) but it doesnt work

Instead of polling, you can use server-sent-events, which does not put as much strain on the server as data is only sent if a new event has happened (like a new row). More can be found out about them here: Here is an example, as the one in the link is not that good. … Read more

How do I plot in real-time in a while loop?

Here’s the working version of the code in question (requires at least version Matplotlib 1.1.0 from 2011-11-14): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.axis([0, 10, 0, 1]) for i in range(10): y = np.random.random() plt.scatter(i, y) plt.pause(0.05) Note the call to plt.pause(0.05), which both draws the new data and runs the GUI’s … Read more

Real time plot in MATLAB

As Edric mentioned, you’ll definitely want to include a drawnow command after the call to plot to force an update of the graphics. However, there is a much more efficient and smoother method to animate plots that doesn’t involve recreating the entire plot each time. You can simply initialize your plot, capture a handle to … Read more

How to subscribe to real-time updates for a Facebook page’s wall

I do not know if this can help you but I’ll tell you where I am for real-time update page feed: (permissions : manage_page,offline_access,read_stream) your application must be linked to the page (then install the application but not required to have a tab ex. create tab and delete tab TAB_ID=PAGE_ID.’/tabs/app_’.APP_ID; function page_access_token($page_id,$access_token){ $page_token_url=”” … Read more

Get Real Time – Not Device Set Time in android

You need to use the NTP (Network Time Protocol) protocol: Here is some code I found somewhere else… and I am using it. This uses the Apache Commons library, which can be installed using Gradle (adding a dependency on commons-net:commons-net:3.6) If you need a list of time servers, check: Here is some Java Code … Read more

How frequent is DateTime.Now updated ? or is there a more precise API to get the current time?

Curiously, your code works perfectly fine on my quad core under Win7, generating values exactly 2 ms apart almost every time. So I’ve done a more thorough test. Here’s my example output for Thread.Sleep(1). The code prints the number of ms between consecutive calls to DateTime.UtcNow in a loop: Each row contains 100 characters, and … Read more