How to get simple dispatch from this.props using connect w/ Redux?

By default mapDispatchToProps is just dispatch => ({ dispatch }). So if you don’t specify the second argument to connect(), you’ll get dispatch injected as a prop in your component. If you pass a custom function to mapDispatchToProps, you can do anything with the function. A few examples: // inject onClick function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) { return … Read more

Typescript + React/Redux: Property “XXX” does not exist on type ‘IntrinsicAttributes & IntrinsicClassAttributes

So after reading through some related answers (specifically this one and this one and looking at @basarat’s answer to the question, I managed to find something that works for me. It looks (to my relatively new React eyes) like Connect was not supplying an explicit interface to the container component, so it was confused by … Read more

How do I see state when logging to the console instead of Proxy object inside reducer action?

Solution You need to use the current function in order to see the actual value of the state. In your reducer, you can call: console.log(current(state)); This current function comes from the Immer package which is a dependency of Redux Toolkit. It is re-exported by Redux Toolkit, so it can be imported from either package: import … Read more

My Redux state has changed, why doesn’t React trigger a re-render?

You’ve got everything hooked up correctly, but you’re missing one key concept for Redux: With Redux, you never mutate any part of state. From the Redux guide: Things you should never do inside a reducer: Mutate its arguments; Perform side effects like API calls and routing transitions; Call non-pure functions, e.g. or Math.random(). In … Read more

Could not find “store” in either the context or props of “Connect(App)”

Provider, passes the store to the component nested within it and generally only needed to be applied to the root component (in your case <RootContainer> connect connect with the component providing store and not the component that has store provided to it. SUGGESTED SOLUTION: MOVE the connect to the <RootContainer> component file instead, and pass … Read more