Reference to a pointer

What is the difference between ptr and rptr? If you do char *world = “World”; rptr = world; and then print str, it will print “World”. If you do ptr = world; and then print str, it will print “Hello”.

Pass by reference problem with PHP 5.3.1 [duplicate]

I just experienced this same problem, calling bind_param via call_user_func_array and passing an array of parameters. The solution is to modify the values in the array to be referenced. It’s not elegant but it works. call_user_func_array(array($stmt, ‘bind_param’), makeValuesReferenced($passArray)); function makeValuesReferenced($arr){ $refs = array(); foreach($arr as $key => $value) $refs[$key] = &$arr[$key]; return $refs; }

PHP: Self-referencing array

The answer to this, as it turns out, is Yes. However it is not a tidy syntax as it uses a sort of sub-statement, and leaves the current scope littered with an extra reference variable. Consider the following code: <?php $array = array( // Creates Key1 and assigns the value to it // A copy … Read more

How can I conditionally provide a default reference without performing unnecessary computation when it isn’t used?

You don’t have to create the default vector if you don’t use it. You just have to ensure the declaration is done outside the if block. fn accept(input: &Vec<String>) { let def; let vec = if input.is_empty() { def = vec![“empty”.to_string()]; &def } else { input }; // … do something with `vec` } Note … Read more