How does “δ:Q×Σ→Q” read in the definition of a DFA (deterministic finite automaton)?

δ is like a mathematical function called the transition function . Something like. z = f(x, y) A function in mathematical defines mapping of elements in one set to another set. In function set of input arguments are called Domain of a function and output is the rage. [ANSWER]    In expression “δ:Q×Σ → Q”, … Read more

Regular vs Context Free Grammars

Regular grammar is either right or left linear, whereas context free grammar is basically any combination of terminals and non-terminals. Hence you can see that regular grammar is a subset of context-free grammar. So for a palindrome for instance, is of the form, S->ABA A->something B->something You can clearly see that palindromes cannot be expressed … Read more

Left-Linear and Right-Linear Grammars

Constructing an equivalent Regular Grammar from a Regular Expression First, I start with some simple rules to construct Regular Grammar(RG) from Regular Expression(RE). I am writing rules for Right Linear Grammar (leaving as an exercise to write similar rules for Left Linear Grammar) NOTE: Capital letters are used for variables, and small for terminals in … Read more