Download latest GitHub release

You don’t need any scripting to generate a download link for the latest release. Simply use this format: Examples: If for some reason you want to obtain a link to the latest release download, including its version number, you can obtain that from the get latest release API: GET /repos/:owner/:repo/releases/latest Example: $.get(‘’, … Read more

Maven Snapshot Repository vs Release Repository

Release repositories hold releases and Snapshot repositories hold snapshots. In maven a snapshot is defined as an artifact with a version ending in -SNAPSHOT. When deployed, the snapshot is turned into a timestamp. By definition, snapshots are mutable, releases are immutable. This is why Nexus makes you store them separately because usually you don’t care … Read more

Error “Metadata file ‘…\Release\project.dll’ could not be found in Visual Studio”

Everyone is correct…try everything…(in order of a little to a lot of time wasted) Do you have bad code? Fix that first. Clean Solution & Restart Visual Studio Remove / Add References Check your build order w/ larger projects and verify Manually rebuild sub-projects Manually copy dlls between projects into associated bin folders Go get … Read more

Phonegap iOS 5.1 and localStorage

There was a large thread in the phonegap group that talked about this problem. Basically its because they now treat localStorage as a temp item which can be deleted at any point. Never fear there are very smart people at work! here’s the thread –!topic/phonegap/RJC2qA9sDnw here’s the code –