How do browsers read and interpret CSS?

CSS rendering is an interesting topic and all the competitors are thriving hard to speed up the view layer (HTML and CSS) rendering to deliver the best results to the end users at a blink of an eye. Firstly, yes different browsers have their own CSS parser/Rendering engines Google Chrome, Opera (from version 15) – … Read more

How much faster is it to use inline/base64 images for a web site than just linking to the hard file?

‘Faster’ is a hard thing to answer because there are many possible interpretations and situations: Base64 encoding will expand the image by a third, which will increase bandwidth utilization. On the other hand, including it in the file will remove another GET round trip to the server. So, a pipe with great throughput but poor … Read more

In what order are Panels the most efficient in terms of render time and performance?

I think it is more concise and understandable to describe the performance characteristics of each panel than it is to try to give an absolute relative performance comparison. WPF makes two passes when rendering content: Measure and Arrange. Each panel has different performance characteristics for each of these two passes. The performance of the measure … Read more

Paint a rect on qglwidget at specifit times

This is a minimal sample application which mixes OpenGL code and QPainter in paint handler: #include <QtWidgets> #include <QOpenGLFunctions_1_1> // manually added types (normally provided by glib) typedef unsigned guint; typedef unsigned char guint8; extern const struct Image { guint width; guint height; guint bytes_per_pixel; /* 3:RGB, 4:RGBA */ guint8 pixel_data[1]; } fluffyCat; class GLWidget: … Read more