Python replace function [replace once]

I’d probably use a regex here: >>> import re >>> s = “The scary ghost ordered an expensive steak” >>> sub_dict = {‘ghost’:’steak’,’steak’:’ghost’} >>> regex = ‘|’.join(sub_dict) >>> re.sub(regex, lambda m: sub_dict[], s) ‘The scary steak ordered an expensive ghost’ Or, as a function which you can copy/paste: import re def word_replace(replace_dict,s): regex = ‘|’.join(replace_dict) … Read more

JavaScript – Escape double quotes

It should be: var str=”[{“Company”: “XYZ”,”Description”: “\\”TEST\\””}]”; First, I changed the outer quotes to single quotes, so they won’t conflict with the inner quotes. Then I put backslash before the innermost quotes around TEST, to escape them. And I escaped the backslash so that it will be treated literally. You can get the same result … Read more

Hints for java.lang.String.replace problem? [duplicate]

You need to assign the new value back to the variable. double myDouble = myObject.getDoubleMethod(); // returns 38.1882352941176 System.out.println(myDouble); String myDoubleString = “” + myDouble; System.out.println(myDoubleString); myDoubleString = myDoubleString.replace(“.”, “,”); System.out.println(myDoubleString); myDoubleString = myDoubleString.replace(‘.’, ‘,’); System.out.println(myDoubleString);

Search and replace multiple values with multiple/different values in PHP?

You are looking for str_replace(). $string = ‘blah blarh bleh bleh blarh’; $result = str_replace( array(‘blah’, ‘blarh’), array(‘bleh’, ‘blerh’), $string ); // Additional tip: And if you are stuck with an associative array like in your example, you can split it up like that: $searchReplaceArray = array( ‘blah’ => ‘bleh’, ‘blarh’ => ‘blerh’ ); $result … Read more