ActionController::ParameterMissing (param is missing or the value is empty: film):

I have got this problem too when I use Angular JS form to send data to backend Rails 4. When I did not fill anything in angular js form, the error will show ActionController::ParameterMissing (param is missing or the value is empty:. I fix it by adding params.fetch(:film, {}) the strong parameter into: params.fetch(:film, {}).permit(:name, … Read more

ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in RegistrationsController#create

Per the comments in the core application_controller.rb, set protect_from_forgery to the following: protect_from_forgery with: :null_session Alternatively, per the docs, simply declaring protect_from_forgery without a :with argument will utilize :null_session by default: protect_from_forgery # Same as above UPDATE: This seems to be a documented bug in the behavior of Devise. The author of Devise suggests disabling … Read more

API Authentication for user logged in to a Web App server

You could consider the doorkeeper gem for your API authorization. I considered it but decided against it because of complexity and lacking documentation for my use cases. Put simply I couldn’t get it working properly. There is a good article on authentication using warden without devise which should give you a good feel for the … Read more

How to integrate a Wrap Bootstrap theme into an Rails application?

First check this screencast: then I would add a bootstrap gem like bootstrap-sass, then add the JS files through the gem by adding them to the manifest, something like this: //= require jquery //= require jquery_ujs //= require bootstrap //= require_tree . then i would get the css files that you bought from wrapboostrap … Read more

can’t activate bcrypt-ruby (~> 3.0.0), already activated bcrypt-ruby-3.1.1. Make sure all dependencies are added to Gemfile

In your gemfile, you aren’t specifying the version, so you’re installing the latest version of bcrypt-ruby which is 3.1.1, but what you need is any version from 3.0.0 to 3.0.9. You can get this by adding a version constraint like so: gem ‘bcrypt-ruby’, ‘~> 3.0.0′ The version requirement comes from ActiveModel’s SecurePassword which currently has … Read more

Is puma the ONLY multi-threaded rails 4 http server?

No. In alphabetical order: Iodine a HTTP / Websocket Server & EventMachine alternative (kqueue/epoll based) Net::HTTP::Server, despite the lack of advertising, supports multithreading Phusion Passenger has supported multithreading since v4 beta Rainbows! supports multiple concurrency models, including multithreading Reel is a Celluloid-backed “evented” server, which “also works great for multithreaded applications and provides traditional multithreaded … Read more