Can Ruby import a .NET dll?

While IronRuby will make short work of talking to your .NET dll (it’ll be literally no code at all), it was abandoned by microsoft, and it never got a large enough open source community to keep it going after that event. I wouldn’t recommend it these days Regarding the COM solution, this may actually be … Read more

Ruby 1.9.2 how to install RMagick on Windows?

I just installed RMagick 2.13.1 successfully on Windows with Ruby v1.9.x ! Let me spill out the procedure, before I forget. Install DevKit : . Install ImageMagick 6.6.x with windows installer with headers. NOTE: -Do not install ImageMagick in a path which has spaces in it. The default path C:/Program Files/… will not work. … Read more

XPath axis, get all following nodes until

Use: (//h2[. = ‘Foo bar’])[1]/following-sibling::p [1 = count(preceding-sibling::h2[1] | (//h2[. = ‘Foo bar’])[1])] In case it is guaranteed that every h2 has a distinct value, this may be simplified to: //h2[. = ‘Foo bar’]/following-sibling::p [1 = count(preceding-sibling::h2[1] | ../h2[. = ‘Foo bar’])] This means: Select all p elements that are following siblings of the h2 … Read more