Salesforce Authentication Failing

For anyone who is as stuck and frustrated as I was, I’ve left a detailed blog post on the entire process (with pictures and ranty commentary!). Click the link if you want that: Here is a text only answer: Step 1: Create an account. You can create a (free) developer account at Step … Read more

Jquery CSS and JS to limited elements [closed]

Depending on jQuery Mobile version you’re using. Solution 1: Modify Global Settings on mobileinit, by setting ignoreContentEnabled to true. However, this affects app performance negatively, as it slows down processing/initializing widgets/elements. <head> <script src=””></script> <script> $(document).on(“mobileinit”, function () { $.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled = true; }); </script> <script src=”jQuery-Mobile.js”></script> <head> Add data-enhance=”false” to elements or div you want … Read more