Scaling Node.js

Load balancing Most probably for the most simple sites you don’t need any scaling at all. Just one single box will get you covered. After that you should do load balancing like you are mentioning which is almost the same for every architecture(like you are saying you could start multiple node processes first. But when … Read more

What is a “feature flag”?

A ‘feature flag’ (or Feature Toggle) is the ability to turn features (sub-sections) of your application on/off at easily: perhaps via a re-deploy, or some internal page where pages/features can be toggled live. I guess the example there was that it’s handy to have the control to reduce the feature-set somewhat if you need to, … Read more

WebRTC – scalable live stream broadcasting / multicasting

As it was pretty much covered here, what you are trying to do here is not possible with plain, old-fashionned WebRTC (strictly peer-to-peer). Because as it was said earlier, WebRTC connections renegotiate encryption keys to encrypt data, for each session. So your broadcaster (B) will indeed need to upload its stream as many times as … Read more

Algorithm for autocomplete?

For (heh) awesome fuzzy/partial string matching algorithms, check out Damn Cool Algorithms: These don’t replace tries, but rather prevent brute-force lookups in tries – which is still a huge win. Next, you probably want a way to bound the size of the trie: keep a trie of recent/top N words used globally; for … Read more