Can Expected Types be collections, too?

Every property can have multiple values. It doesn’t necessarily make sense for some properties (e.g., birthDate), but it’s still allowed. In JSON-LD: “sameAs”: [“”, “/bar”], In Microdata: <link itemprop=”sameAs” href=”” /> <link itemprop=”sameAs” href=”” /> In RDFa: <link property=”sameAs” href=”” /> <link property=”sameAs” href=”” /> This doesn’t necessarily mean that Google (or any other … Read more markup for list of recent posts without providing “author” / “publisher”?

It’s perfectly fine not to provide these properties. doesn’t require any property. If Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool says that certain properties are missing, what it really means is: “If you don’t provide these properties, we won’t show the corresponding Rich Snippet or Knowledge Graph feature in Google Search” There’s no need to get … Read more

Why does Google Testing Tool use the “id” attribute to generate a URL for the Microdata item?

This is strange. It’s definitely not conforming to the Microdata Note. Apart from Microdata’s itemref attribute, HTML5’s id attribute has no special meaning in Microdata. If Google wants to use the id value anyway, they should at least generate the URL with a fragment identifier, i.e., My guess is that they are (probably unintentionally) … Read more NewsArticle: invalid value for logo property

Your markup is valid HTML5+Microdata and you are using the vocabulary appropriately. With “validator”, you probably refer to Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool. Note that errors shown in this tool don’t necessarily mean that your markup is wrong; they often mean that you won’t get a certain Google search result feature unless you provide … Read more

Can I Use Multiple ItemProps in a Span Tag for Rich Snippets?

The usual HTML way would be to use one attribute and separate several values with space characters. Looking into the Microdata specification, you’ll notice that this is the case for the itemprop attribute, too: The itemprop attribute, if specified, must have a value that is an unordered set of unique space-separated tokens […] So this … Read more

Is it possible to use the same meta tag for opengraph and

HTML+RDFa 1.1 and Microdata extend HTML5’s meta element. HTML+RDFa 1.1 (W3C Recommendation) defines: If the RDFa @property attribute is present on the meta element, neither the @name, @http-equiv, nor @charset attributes are required and the @content attribute MUST be specified. Microdata (W3C Note) defines: If a meta element has an itemprop attribute, the name, http-equiv, … Read more