Do GitHub pages support PHP? [closed]

A static site cannot by definition support PHP. Static websites serve content directly from the web-server’s file-system exactly as stored. Dynamic websites generate content live per each request. The request is delegated to a running web-application that builds the content. What is a Static Website You might be interested in PieCrust. It is a static … Read more

Extract domain name from URL in Python

Use tldextract which is more efficient version of urlparse, tldextract accurately separates the gTLD or ccTLD (generic or country code top-level domain) from the registered domain and subdomains of a URL. >>> import tldextract >>> ext = tldextract.extract(‘’) ExtractResult(subdomain=’’, domain=’cnn’, suffix=’com’) >>> ext.domain ‘cnn’

How to prevent Spring Boot daemon/server application from closing/shutting down immediately?

I found the solution, using org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner + Thread.currentThread().join(), e.g.: (note: code below is in Groovy, not Java) package import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication @SpringBootApplication class LumenSocialApplication implements CommandLineRunner { private static final log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LumenSocialApplication.class) static void main(String[] args) { LumenSocialApplication, args } @Override void run(String… args) throws Exception { … Read more

I have Godaddy Shared Web Hosting I need to host node.js website can host site? [closed]

Yes this is possible. Somehow I have never seen anyone actually answer this question correctly. This works with the most basic shared hosting plans. I have successfully been able to set it up a couple different ways. I think the second is probably what you want : 1. cgi-node Basically this replaces PHP on … Read more