Remove UIWebView Shadow?

This is a cleaner alternative to “Nikolai Krill” solution. This only hides UIImageViews within the UIWebView and not the UIWebBrowserView. for (UIView *view in [[[webView subviews] objectAtIndex:0] subviews]) { if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]]) view.hidden = YES; } Thanks James

How can I add shadow to the widget in flutter?

Check out BoxShadow and BoxDecoration A Container can take a BoxDecoration (going off of the code you had originally posted) which takes a boxShadow return Container( margin: EdgeInsets.only(left: 30, top: 100, right: 30, bottom: 50), height: double.infinity, width: double.infinity, decoration: BoxDecoration( color: Colors.white, borderRadius: BorderRadius.only( topLeft: Radius.circular(10), topRight: Radius.circular(10), bottomLeft: Radius.circular(10), bottomRight: Radius.circular(10) ), boxShadow: … Read more

JPanel Drop Shadow

So I looked into swingx which extends JPanel and was able to achieve the results I was looking for with the following code: public class Canvas extends JXPanel{ public Canvas(){ DropShadowBorder shadow = new DropShadowBorder(); shadow.setShadowColor(Color.BLACK); shadow.setShowLeftShadow(true); shadow.setShowRightShadow(true); shadow.setShowBottomShadow(true); shadow.setShowTopShadow(true); this.setBorder(shadow); } } And the result:

Android Drop Shadow on View

You could use a combination of Bitmap.extractAlpha and a BlurMaskFilter to manually create a drop shadow for any image you need to display, but that would only work if your image is only loaded/displayed once in a while, since the process is expensive. Pseudo-code (might even compile!): BlurMaskFilter blurFilter = new BlurMaskFilter(5, BlurMaskFilter.Blur.OUTER); Paint shadowPaint … Read more

Swift – Cut hole in shadow layer

Fortunately it’s now very easy today (2020) These days it’s very easy to do this: Here’s the whole thing import UIKit class GlowBox: UIView { override func layoutSubviews() { super.layoutSubviews() backgroundColor = .clear layer.shadowOpacity = 1 layer.shadowColor = layer.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 0) layer.shadowRadius = 3 let p = UIBezierPath( roundedRect: bounds.insetBy(dx: 0, … Read more

Inner text shadow with CSS

Here’s a little trick I discovered using the :before and :after pseudo-elements: .depth { color: black; position: relative; } .depth:before, .depth:after { content: attr(title); color: rgba(255,255,255,.1); position: absolute; } .depth:before { top: 1px; left: 1px } .depth:after { top: 2px; left: 2px } The title attribute needs to be the same as the content. Demo: … Read more