How to get Sikuli working in headless mode

I successfully got sikuli running in headless mode (no physical monitor connected) Ubuntu: check Xvfb. Windows: install display driver on the machine (to be headless) from virtualbox guest additions display drivers and use TightVNC to remotely set resolution from another machine. Detailed steps for windows 7 Assume that: Machine A: to be headless machine, windows … Read more

using Python logger class to generate multiple logs for different log levels

Create multiple Handlers, each for one output file (INFO.log, DEBUG.log etc.). Add a filter to each handler that only allows the specific level. For example: import logging # Set up loggers and handlers. # … class LevelFilter(logging.Filter): def __init__(self, level): self.level = level def filter(self, record): return record.levelno == self.level debugLogFileHandler.addFilter(LevelFilter(logging.DEBUG)) infoLogFileHandler.addFilter(LevelFilter(logging.INFO))