What does “ulimit -s unlimited” do?

When you call a function, a new “namespace” is allocated on the stack. That’s how functions can have local variables. As functions call functions, which in turn call functions, we keep allocating more and more space on the stack to maintain this deep hierarchy of namespaces. To curb programs using massive amounts of stack space, … Read more

Stacking DIVs on top of each other?

Position the outer div however you want, then position the inner divs using absolute. They’ll all stack up. .inner { position: absolute; } <div class=”outer”> <div class=”inner”>1</div> <div class=”inner”>2</div> <div class=”inner”>3</div> <div class=”inner”>4</div> </div>

StackWalk64 on Windows – Get symbol name

You have set symbol.MaxNameLength to 255, but you allocated “symbol” on the stack with IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 symbol;. That type is defined as: typedef struct _IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64 { DWORD SizeOfStruct; DWORD64 Address; DWORD Size; DWORD Flags; DWORD MaxNameLength; TCHAR Name[1]; } IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64; Notice that the Name field only has one character by default. If you want to store … Read more

Is reserving stack space necessary for functions less than four arguments?

Your quote is from the “calling convention” part of the documentation. At the very least, you do not have to worry about this if you do not call other functions from your assembly code. If you do, then you must respect, among other things, “red zone” and stack alignment considerations, that the recommendation you quote … Read more

How do I copy a stack in Java?

Just use the clone() -method of the Stack-class (it implements Cloneable). Here’s a simple test-case with JUnit: @Test public void test() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack<Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { intStack.push(i); } Stack<Integer> copiedStack = (Stack<Integer>)intStack.clone(); for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(intStack.pop(), copiedStack.pop()); } } … Read more

iOS how to detect programmatically when top view controller is popped?

iOS 5 introduced two new methods to handle exactly this type of situation. What you’re looking for is -[UIViewController isMovingToParentViewController]. From the docs: isMovingToParentViewController Returns a Boolean value that indicates that the view controller is in the process of being added to a parent. – (BOOL)isMovingToParentViewController Return Value YES if the view controller is appearing … Read more