Strip HTML tags and its contents

Try removing the spans directly from the DOM tree. $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML($string); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $elements = $dom->getElementsByTagName(‘span’); while($span = $elements->item(0)) { $span->parentNode->removeChild($span); } echo $dom->saveHTML();

Vim run autocmd on all filetypes EXCEPT

*.rb isn’t a filetype. It’s a file pattern. ruby is the filetype and could even be set on files that don’t have a .rb extension. So, what you most likely want is a function that your autocmd calls to both check for filetypes which shouldn’t be acted on and strips the whitespace. fun! StripTrailingWhitespace() ” … Read more

How to strip type from Javascript FileReader base64 string?

The following functions will achieve your desired result: var base64result = reader.result.split(‘,’)[1]; This splits the string into an array of strings with the first item (index 0) containing data:image/png;base64 and the second item (index 1) containing the base64 encoded data. Another solution is to find the index of the comma and then simply cut off … Read more

String strip() for JavaScript? [duplicate]

Use this: if(typeof(String.prototype.trim) === “undefined”) { String.prototype.trim = function() { return String(this).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ”); }; } The trim function will now be available as a first-class function on your strings. For example: ” dog”.trim() === “dog” //true EDIT: Took J-P’s suggestion to combine the regex patterns into one. Also added the global modifier per Christoph’s suggestion. … Read more

Difference between String trim() and strip() methods in Java 11

In short: strip() is “Unicode-aware” evolution of trim(). Meaning trim() removes only characters <= U+0020 (space); strip() removes all Unicode whitespace characters (but not all control characters, such as \0) CSR : JDK-8200378 Problem String::trim has existed from early days of Java when Unicode had not fully evolved to the standard we widely use today. … Read more