Running another program in Windows bat file and not create child process

Synchronous. The second notepad won’t launch until you close the first. notepad.exe c:\temp\a.txt notepad.exe c:\temp\b.txt Asynchronous: The second notepad will launch even if you haven’t closed the first. start notepad.exe c:\temp\a.txt start notepad.exe c:\temp\b.txt More info about the start command: EDIT: The following comment was made elsewhere by @zhongshu, the original poster. I’m only … Read more

SVN pre-commit hook for avoiding changes to tags subdirectories

I don’t have enough reputation to “comment” on Raim’s answer above, but his worked great, with one exception, his grep pattern is wrong. I simply used the below as my pre-commit hook (I didn’t have an existing one, you’d need to merge in that case): #!/bin/sh REPOS=”$1″ TXN=”$2″ SVNLOOK=/opt/local/bin/svnlook # Committing to tags is not … Read more