Weak typing in PHP: why use isset at all?

if ($tx) This code will evaluate to false for any of the following conditions: unset($tx); // not set, will also produce E_WARNING $tx = null; $tx = 0; $tx = ‘0’; $tx = false; $tx = array(); The code below will only evaluate to false under the following conditions: if (isset($tx)) // False under following … Read more

In regex, what does [\w*] mean?

Quick answer: ^[\w*]$ will match a string consisting of a single character, where that character is alphanumeric (letters, numbers) an underscore (_) or an asterisk (*). Details: The “\w” means “any word character” which usually means alphanumeric (letters, numbers, regardless of case) plus underscore (_) The “^” “anchors” to the beginning of a string, and … Read more