In R formulas, why do I have to use the I() function on power terms, like y ~ I(x^3)

The tilde operator is actually a function that returns an unevaluated expression, a type of language object. The expression then gets interpreted by modeling functions in a manner that is different than the interpretation of operators operating on numeric objects. The issue here is how formulas and specifically the “+, “:”, and “^” operators in … Read more

What is meaning of first tilde in purrr::map

As per the map help documentation, map needs a function but it also accepts a formula, character vector, numeric vector, or list, the latter of which are converted to functions. The ~ operator in R creates formula. So ~ lm(mpg ~ wt, data = .) is a formula. Formulas are useful in R because they … Read more

What does the tilde before a function name mean in C#?

~ is the destructor Destructors are invoked automatically, and cannot be invoked explicitly. Destructors cannot be overloaded. Thus, a class can have, at most, one destructor. Destructors are not inherited. Thus, a class has no destructors other than the one, which may be declared in it. Destructors cannot be used with structs. They are only … Read more

Difference between ./ and ~/

For the sake of completeness … Just path is a file or directory named path in the current directory. ./path is a file or directory named path in the current directory, with the directory spelled out. The dot directory . represents the current directory, and path is the name of the file or directory within … Read more