SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure when setting ciphers on tomcat 7 server

Well, I got this issue solved. It appears that by creating a self-signed certificate, using keytool, without providing -keyalg parameter makes the key-pair algorithm default to DSA. None of my ciphers suite included DSA algorithm. In that case, although the client and the server had intersection between their cipher-suites, neither was suitable for the key … Read more

Slow startup on Tomcat 7.0.57 because of SecureRandom

I faced same issue of tomcat being too slow to start. I followed this article on DigitalOcean and installed haveged instead of using urandom. haveged is a solution which will not compromise on security. haveged allows generating randomness based on variations in code execution time on a processor. Since it’s nearly impossible for one piece … Read more

BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException due to autowired fields

Somewhere in your code you must be autowiring AdminServiceImpl like this: @Autowired private AdminServiceImpl adminService; Either depend barely on interface: @Autowired private AdminService adminService; or enabled CGLIB proxies. Similar problems Autowired spring bean is not a proxy Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean? Getting Spring Error “Bean named ‘x’ must be … Read more