Maintain state of a dynamic list of checkboxes in ASP.NET MVC

I got it working after much playing around with the various different approaches. In the view: <%string[] PostFeatures = Request.Form.GetValues(“Features”);%> <% foreach (var Feature in (ViewData[“AllPropertyFeatures”] as IEnumerable<MySolution.Models.PropertyFeature>)) { %> <input type=”checkbox” name=”Features” id=”Feature<%=Feature.PropertyFeatureID.ToString()%>” value=”<%=Feature.PropertyFeatureID%>” <%if(PostFeatures!=null) { if(PostFeatures.Contains(Feature.PropertyFeatureID.ToString())) { Response.Write(“checked=\”checked\””); } } %> /> <label for=”Feature<%=Feature.PropertyFeatureID%>”> <%=Feature.Description%></label> <% } %> In the receiving controller method: … Read more

what is difference between a Model and an Entity

The definition of these terms is quite ambiguous. You will find different definitions at different places. Entity: An entity represents a single instance of your domain object saved into the database as a record. It has some attributes that we represent as columns in our tables. Model: A model typically represents a real world object … Read more

MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView

Your analysis is definitely correct about where the click event is trying to bind. There are two approaches I generally take: Use ItemClick on the List Continuing using Click but do some redirection on the ViewModel side. So…1 The Main Menu in the tutorial has a ViewModel a bit like: public class MainMenuViewModel : MvxViewModel … Read more