After Publish event in Visual Studio

UPDATE: seems like in VS 2019 and .NET 5 you can now use Publish target. <Target Name=”Test” AfterTargets=”Publish”> <Exec Command=”blablabla” /> </Target> Here’s my old answer that also works: MS has confirmed, that when publishing to file system they don’t have any target to launch after that. “We currently do not support executing custom targets … Read more

Managing complex Web.Config files between deployment environments

We split out all region specific settings into thier own config file. Under the root of the web app we create a config folder and place the region specific settings there. So whatever files are living under the root of config will get picked up. our web.config looks something like: . . . <appSettings configSource=”config\appSettings.config”/> … Read more

Debugging TypeScript code with Visual Studio

Current Answer for VS2017 and later Debugging Typescript directly in Visual Studio has been possible since VS2017. From the documentation: You can debug JavaScript and TypeScript code using Visual Studio. You can set and hit breakpoints, attach the debugger, inspect variables, view the call stack, and use other debugging features. There are also additional resources … Read more