Access webcam without Flash

At the moment of writing this the best solution is WebRTC. It is supported in Chrome, Mozilla and Opera, but still unavaialble in Internet Explorer and Safari. Minimalistic demo. Index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <head> </head> <body> <video></video> <script src=””></script> </body> webcam.js (function () { navigator.getMedia = (navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia); navigator.getMedia( // constraints {video:true, audio:false}, … Read more

Using OpenCV Output as Webcam [closed]

I had the same problem: My grandmother hears poorly so I wanted to be able to add subtitles to my Skype video feed. I also wanted to add some effects for laughs. I could not get webcamoid working. Screen capture method (mentioned above) seemed too hacky, and I could not get Skype to detect ffmpegs … Read more

Webcam usage in C#

I’ve recently started doing some hobby work in this area. We settled on using the OpenCV library with the opencvdotnet wrapper. It supports capturing frames from a webcam: using (var cv = new OpenCVDotNet.CVCapture(0)) { var image = cv.CreateCompatibleImage(); // … cv.Release(); } And if you’re doing image manipulation, OpenCV’s image processing algorithms have been … Read more

How can I make Chrome allow access to a webcam over http (not https)?

Yes, an admin can override the prompts with a policy. VideoCaptureAllowedUrls Patterns in this list will be matched against the security origin of the requesting URL. If a match is found, access to audio capture devices will be granted without prompt. NOTE: This policy is currently only supported when running in Kiosk mode. On Windows, … Read more

Accessing Multiple camera javascript getusermedia

You can create two different streams, one for each camera, and show them simultaneously in two <video> tags. The list of available devices is available using navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(). After filtering the resulting list for only videoinputs, you have access to the deviceIds without needing permission from the user. With getUserMedia you can then request a stream … Read more