Does webKit in iOS 11 (Beta) support WebRTC?

Update: WebRTC Support is coming in iOS14.3 (Beta) 🎉 Learn more here: From iOS11+ : WebRTC is partially supported in WKWebView, and fully supported in the Safari App browser. Explained: WebRTC has three main JavaScript APIs: MediaStream (aka getUserMedia) RTCPeerConnection RTCDataChannel For apps running inside Safari App, iOS11+, all WebRTC APIs are supported. That … Read more

iOS 11 getUserMedia not working?

Solved it by using the following: $(function () { video = document.getElementById(‘vid’); = document.width + ‘px’; = document.height + ‘px’; video.setAttribute(‘autoplay’, ”); video.setAttribute(‘muted’, ”); video.setAttribute(‘playsinline’, ”); var constraints = { audio: false, video: { facingMode: ‘user’ } } navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then(function success(stream) { video.srcObject = stream; }); });

WebRTC with 3 users connection

A mesh of 3 users means each user sets up two connections, one to each of the other two users. At each client’s end, these are two entirely different RTCPeerConnections, and you can’t reuse candidates between them, as each candidate contains port numbers allocated specifically for the media and the target it is to be … Read more

Implementing our own STUN/TURN server for WebRTC Application [duplicate]

TURN it’s an extension of STUN, so TURN server has also STUN features. works also as a STUN, so you can try to write something like this: var pc_config = { “iceServers”: [{ “url”:”turn:my_username@<turn_server_ip_address>”, “credential”:”my_password” }] }; pc_new = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(pc_config);

Node.js WebRTC client

I came along the same problem and stumbled upon these two gems: Sadly it is lacking any documentation. However seems more reliable to me.