wikidata get all properties with labels and values of an item

Useful links on the Wikidata data model: RDF dump format Wikidata qualifiers, references and ranks Help:qualifiers Your query should be of this kind: SELECT ?wdLabel ?ps_Label ?wdpqLabel ?pq_Label { VALUES (?company) {(wd:Q95)} ?company ?p ?statement . ?statement ?ps ?ps_ . ?wd wikibase:claim ?p. ?wd wikibase:statementProperty ?ps. OPTIONAL { ?statement ?pq ?pq_ . ?wdpq wikibase:qualifier ?pq … Read more

How to extract information from a Wikipedia infobox?

The wrong way: trying to parse HTML Use (cURL/jQuery/file_get_contents/requests/wget/more jQuery) to fetch the HTML article code of the article, then use a DOM parser to extract table.infobox tr[3] td / use a regex. This is actually a really bad idea most of the time. Wikipedia’s HTML code is not particularly parsing-friendly (especially infoboxes which are … Read more