How to do a SOAP wsdl web services call from the command line

It’s a standard, ordinary SOAP web service. SSH has nothing to do here. I just called it with curl (one-liner): $ curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: text/xml” \ -H ‘SOAPAction: “”‘ \ –data-binary @request.xml \ Where request.xml file has the following contents: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=”” xmlns:api=””> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <api:ClientLogin> <api:username>user</api:username> <api:password>password</api:password> <api:applicationKey>key</api:applicationKey> </api:ClientLogin> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> … Read more

Parse Complex WSDL Parameter Information

This is not pretty – but it gets the job done (hopefully ;). I based this code partly on the link you provided, and then added some recursion to parse out the different types included in the schema, as well as the inner elements and their data types. This definitely does not take into account … Read more

How to build a correct SOAP request with PHP

“Is there a more direct approach where I could write the XML?” By using a SoapVar and setting the encode parameter of the constructor to XSD_ANYXML you can write the raw XML. There should be a way where the WSDL helps build the XML though. You could try something like this: $wsdl = “”; $client … Read more

WSDL-first approach: How to specify different names for wsdl:port and wsdl:binding?

You can try to implement IWsdlExportExtension and in ExportEndpoint modify wsdl:port/@name. Then implement IEndpointBehavior which will add your extension to an endpoint. To use your new behavior you have two choices: Add behavior from code. When service is hosted in IIS you have to create custom ServiceHost and ServiceHostFactory. In self hosting you can just … Read more

REST web service WSDL? [duplicate]

With a good RESTful service, it’s not necessary to generate WADL (let alone the much-less-well-fitting WSDL) for it because it will self-describe. By “self-describe” I specifically mean that it will deliver documents describing all the (relevant) resources published by the service, and that using a standard HTTP OPTIONS request on any of these will produce … Read more