XCFramework with Pods Dependencies

You can create a pod and publish it. Check https://guides.cocoapods.org/making/making-a-cocoapod.html Sample Podspec file with XCFramework + Third party dependency Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name=”XCFrameworkTest” # Name for your pod s.version = ‘0.0.1’ s.summary = ‘Sample Spec’ s.homepage=”https://www.google.com” s.author = { ‘Sample’ => ‘[email protected]’ } s.license = { :type => “MIT”, :text => “MIT License” } s.platform … Read more

Running xcodebuild from a forked terminal

I had te error User interaction is not allowed and solved it by unlocking the keychain first security unlock-keychain /Users/yannooo/Library/Keychains/login.keychain I’ve also tried to put my certs in the System’s keychain and it was working. My final solution was to put all my iPhone related certs in a dedicated keychain named iPhone.keychain using the Keychain … Read more

“Too many symbol files” after successfully submitting my apps

This happens if you are including debug information of your libraries with the project archive but are not including binaries. Open the Organizer window in Xcode Right-click on an archive that had this issue and select “Show in Finder”. Right-click on the archive file and select “Show Package Contents” In the “dSYMs” folder you will … Read more

How to solve “Application failed codesign verification” when uploading to iTunes Connect?

I found the solution to this problem after deeply looking at the log file. Although I created my own Distribution Profile and assigned to the CODE SIGNING IDENTITY the correct value for the developer certificate, it didn’t work giving me an error: “Application failed codesign verification”. The problem is at the following line: Authority=iPhone Developer: … Read more

Xcode 10: unable to attach DB error

Okay, seems like I managed to solve it. I was having /bin/sh script in Build Phases that was trying to build fat static library. In the script, I had OBJROOT path set like this: OBJROOT=”${OBJROOT}” Seems like Xcode 10 and new build system changed some paths on the way and this line was the source … Read more