Template in Fortran?

Fortran does not have templates, but you can put the code common to the functions handling different types in an include file as a kludge to simulate templates, as shown in this code:

! file "cumul.inc"
! function cumul(xx) result(yy)
! return in yy(:) the cumulative sum of xx(:)
! type, intent(in) :: xx(:)
! type             :: yy(size(xx))
integer :: i,n
yy = 0
n  = size(xx)
if (n < 1) return
yy(1) = xx(1)
do i=2,n
   yy(i) = yy(i-1) + xx(i)
end do
! end function cumul
! end file "cumul.inc"

module foo
implicit none
integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.0), dp = kind(1.0d0)
interface cumul
   module procedure cumul_double,cumul_real,cumul_int
end interface cumul
function cumul_double(xx) result(yy)
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: xx(:)
real(kind=dp)             :: yy(size(xx))
include "cumul.inc"
end function cumul_double
function cumul_real(xx) result(yy)
real(kind=sp), intent(in) :: xx(:)
real(kind=sp)             :: yy(size(xx))
include "cumul.inc"
end function cumul_real
function cumul_int(xx) result(yy)
integer, intent(in) :: xx(:)
integer             :: yy(size(xx))
include "cumul.inc"
end function cumul_int
end module foo

program xcumul
use foo, only: cumul
end program xcumul
! output:
! 10 30 60
! -0.5440211 0.36892414 -0.6191075
! -0.5440211108893698 0.3689241398382579 -0.6191074842546039

The tool mentioned in the paper

Car, David and Michael List (2010). PyF95++: A Templating Capability for the Fortran 95/2003 Language. ACM Fortran Forum 29(1), 2-20.

may interest you. I have not tried it.

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