Can I serve .html files using Razor as if they were .cshtml files without changing the extension of all my pages?

Thank you to SLaks for pointing me in the right direction, but it still took a few hours of digging in the MVC source to figure out the solution. 1 – Need to put RazorBuildProvider in web.config <buildProviders> <add extension=”.html” type=”System.Web.WebPages.Razor.RazorBuildProvider”/> </buildProviders> And add System.Web.WebPages.Razor to assemblies if it isn’t already there. <assemblies> […] <add … Read more

ASP.Net UserName to Email

If you really want to use e-mail address to log in, then, IMHO, the “hack” you suggested is the best approach. Because, if you insist on “doing it properly” you’ll have to at least modify the database schema, obviously ensure username uniqueness yourself (you could make a database constraint/index do this for you, but you’ll … Read more

PhantomJS as web job in Azure

PhantomJS is not working on azure Webjobs. I tried to execute it through CMD shell [yoursite] , but it hanges when I call it with raserize.js script. you can use phantomjs as worker role, it will work. Update Regarding to this: phantomJS uses GDI to render images and pdf, and GDI is blocked in … Read more

Nested ASP.NET ‘application’ within IIS inheriting parent config values?

The exact solution to your problem will depend on what configuration exception message you are seeing. However, this is a typical problem that can often be solved through use of the inheritInChildApplications attribute on the location element in the web.config for “WebParent”. By wrapping the entire system.web section in a location element as follows, you … Read more

Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE’

I was experiencing a similar error message that I noticed in the Windows Event Viewer that read: Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE’. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database. [CLIENT: local machine] The solution that resolved my problem was: Login to SqlExpress via SQL Server Management Studio Go to the “Security” directory … Read more