Why do Chrome and IE put “Mozilla 5.0” in the User-Agent they send to the server? [duplicate]

See: user-agent-string-history It all goes back to browser sniffing and making sure that the browsers are not blocked from getting content they can support. From the above article: And Internet Explorer supported frames, and yet was not Mozilla, and so was not given frames. And Microsoft grew impatient, and did not wish to wait for … Read more

JavaFX – can it really be deployed in a browser? [closed]

Update for the March 2018 Java Client Roadmap I encourage readers interested in this question to review the following Oracle Whitepaper: Java Client Roadmap Update The above paper outlines the official Oracle position on related technologies (JavaFX/Swing/AWT/Applets/WebStart), the dates until which it intends to support those technologies and which of those technologies it intends to … Read more

How to use a custom time in browser to test for client vs server time difference

Create a new empty directory for a separate Chrome user profile. E.g. with mkdir ~/chrome-profile You specify the TZ environment variable. You can see the valid timezones for example here, in column TZ. To start Chrome, use these commands: for Mac OS X: TZ=’US/Pacific’ open -na “Google Chrome” –args “–user-data-dir=$HOME/chrome-profile” for Linux: TZ=’US/Pacific’ google-chrome “–user-data-dir=$HOME/chrome-profile”