Track mass email campaigns

The code works in the following way: <style> /* Print stylesheet */ @media print{ #_t { background-image: url(‘’); } } /* Forward stylesheet */ div.OutlookMessageHeader, table.moz-email-headers-table, blockquote #_t { background-image:url(‘’) } </style> <!– Extra DIV –> <div id=”_t”></div> <!– Main Image –> <img src=”” style=”display:none” width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ /> There is an image that gets … Read more

GMail appearing to ignore Reply-To

Take a look at this thread; I think it answers your question. One of the later posts reads: If the “From” address is either the same as the “To” address, or is configured in GMail Settings as one of the ‘Send As…’ accounts, Gmail replies to the “To” address instead of the “Reply-To” address. An … Read more

Are email addresses case sensitive?

From RFC 5321, section 2.3.11: The standard mailbox naming convention is defined to be “local-part@domain”; contemporary usage permits a much broader set of applications than simple “user names”. Consequently, and due to a long history of problems when intermediate hosts have attempted to optimize transport by modifying them, the local-part MUST be interpreted and assigned … Read more

Content Transfer Encoding 7bit or 8 bit

It can be a bit dense to read, but the “Content-Transfer-Encoding” section of RFC 1341 has all of the details: The situation kinda goes from bad to worse. Here’s my summary: Background SMTP, by definition (RFC 821), limits mail to lines of 1000 characters of 7 bits each. That means that none of the … Read more

Insert a line break in mailto body

I would suggest you try the html tag <br>, in case your marketing application will recognize it. I use %0D%0A. This should work as long as the email is HTML formatted. <a href=”[email protected]?subject=Subscribe&body=Lastame%20%3A%0D%0AFirstname%20%3A”><img alt=”Subscribe” class=”center” height=”50″ src=”subscribe.png” style=”width: 137px; height: 50px; color: #4da6f7; font-size: 20px; display: block;” width=”137″></a> You will likely want to take out … Read more

What is the behavior difference between return-path, reply-to and from?

Let’s start with a simple example. Let’s say you have an email list, that is going to send out the following RFC2822 content. From: <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Subject: Super simple email Reply-To: <[email protected]> This is a very simple body. Now, let’s say you are going to send it from a mailing list, that implements VERP … Read more