GitHub Windows client behind proxy

Add these entries to your ‘.gitconfig’ file in your user directory (go to %USERPROFILE%): [http] proxy = http://<proxy address>:<proxy port> [https] proxy = https://<proxy address>:<proxy port> And if you don’t want to store your password in plaintext, I would use a local proxy forwarder like CNTLM which allows you to direct all traffic through it … Read more

CocoaPods and GitHub forks

I will answer this question using an example. I have a fork of TTTAttributedLabel with some extra functionality I added here: In order to use this in a Cocoapods project, I: Push my changes to my fork Configure my Podfile to get the changes & update Once you’ve pushed your changes to your fork, … Read more

Linking to other Wiki pages on GitHub?

Using the Markdown link syntax [Link Text](WikiPage) seems to work in the edit preview but not on the actual wiki page. At least for me the generated link is WikiPage instead of wiki/WikiPage and I get the famous GitHub 404. However the MediaWiki syntax [[Link Text|WikiPage]] works for me, even for Markdown wiki pages.

Push to GitHub without a password using ssh-key

If it is asking you for a username and password, your origin remote is pointing at the HTTPS URL rather than the SSH URL. Change it to ssh. For example, a GitHub project like Git will have an HTTPS URL:<Username>/<Project>.git And the SSH one: [email protected]:<Username>/<Project>.git You can do: git remote set-url origin [email protected]:<Username>/<Project>.git to … Read more

What is this grey git icon?

Considering it is a submodule, one way for you to see its content is to: clone that gitHub repo locally do a: git submodule update –init But you should be able to click on it and browse its content directly from the web, if it was a repo hosted by GitHub. See an example in … Read more

change github account mac command line

The GitHub token is only used for non-ssh communications. But if you are pushing to GitHub using https address, and still register as your first account instead of the second one, that should mean you don’t refer to the right public/private keys matching your public key on second account. See, for instance, the blog post … Read more

Issues with pushing large files through Git

It is possible that you are pushing several commits, one of them including a large file, and another more recent one removing that file. 2020-2022: Use git filter-repo (python-based, to be installed first) And use some content-based filtering: If you want to filter out all files bigger than a certain size, you can use –strip-blobs-bigger-than … Read more