How does SIGINT relate to the other termination signals such as SIGTERM, SIGQUIT and SIGKILL?

SIGTERM and SIGKILL are intended for general purpose “terminate this process” requests. SIGTERM (by default) and SIGKILL (always) will cause process termination. SIGTERM may be caught by the process (e.g. so that it can do its own cleanup if it wants to), or even ignored completely; but SIGKILL cannot be caught or ignored. SIGINT and … Read more

How to change the default browser used by the ipython/jupyter notebook in Linux?

You can create by: jupyter notebook –generate-config Then you go to ~/.jupyter/ and change # c.NotebookApp.browser=”” to for example: c.NotebookApp.browser=”/usr/bin/google-chrome %s” You can choose which ever browser is installed. You’ll find the path for example by typing which firefox Do not forget to delete the #