OpenGL VAO best practices

VAOs act similarly to VBOs and textures with regard to how they are bound. Having a single VAO bound for the entire length of your program will yield no performance benefits because you might as well just be rendering without VAOs at all. In fact it may be slower depending on how the implementation intercepts … Read more

How to debug a GLSL shader?

You can’t easily communicate back to the CPU from within GLSL. Using glslDevil or other tools is your best bet. A printf would require trying to get back to the CPU from the GPU running the GLSL code. Instead, you can try pushing ahead to the display. Instead of trying to output text, output something … Read more

What is state-of-the-art for text rendering in OpenGL as of version 4.1? [closed]

Rendering outlines, unless you render only a dozen characters total, remains a “no go” due to the number of vertices needed per character to approximate curvature. Though there have been approaches to evaluate bezier curves in the pixel shader instead, these suffer from not being easily antialiased, which is trivial using a distance-map-textured quad, and … Read more

Render OpenGL scene to texture using FBO in fixed function pipeline drawing

When I compared your code with mine working engine I see these differences so try them one by one: texture format you are using: glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, screen_width, screen_height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); so merging all your to: GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: GL_RGBA,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1: GL_RGBA,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE I am using: GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 : GL_RGBA , GL_RGBA8 , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT : GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, … Read more

In a fragment shader, why can’t I use a flat input integer to index a uniform array of sampler2D?

[…] but can’t use it to index an array of samplers as expected because compiler sees it as “non-constant” […] In GLSL up to version 3.30 respectively GLSL ES up to version 3.00, the index of an array of texture samplers has to be a constant expression: GLSL 3.30 Specification – 4.1.7 Samplers (page 21) … Read more

How exactly does OpenGL do perspectively correct linear interpolation?

The output of a vertex shader is a four component vector, vec4 gl_Position. From Section 13.6 Coordinate Transformations of core GL 4.4 spec: Clip coordinates for a vertex result from shader execution, which yields a vertex coordinate gl_Position. Perspective division on clip coordinates yields normalized device coordinates, followed by a viewport transformation (see section 13.6.1) … Read more