VisualVM over ssh

You either need to run jstatd on the remote side, or specify a JMX connection using host:port. Jstatd: jstatd [-p port] After that: add a remote connection to the target machine, and on the properties of that remote connection configure the jstatd connection. (permissions.txt contains for example this: grant { permission; }; Edit: … Read more

Transferring files over SSH [closed]

You need to scp something somewhere. You have scp ./styles/, so you’re saying secure copy ./styles/, but not where to copy it to. Generally, if you want to download, it will go: # download: remote -> local scp user@remote_host:remote_file local_file where local_file might actually be a directory to put the file you’re copying in. To … Read more

How to open remote files in sublime text 3

On server Install rsub: wget -O /usr/local/bin/rsub \ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/rsub On local Install rsub Sublime3 package: On Sublime Text 3, open Package Manager (Ctrl-Shift-P on Linux/Win, Cmd-Shift-P on Mac, Install Package), and search for rsub and install it Open command line and connect to remote server: ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698 server_user@server_address after connect to server … Read more

Using “Remote SSH” in VSCode on a target machine that only allows inbound SSH connections

When you connect to a host it executes a bash script that wgets or curls a tarball and extracts it in a directory in your home directory. Here’s an offline workaround. Attempt to connect, let it fail On server, get the commit id $ ls ~/.vscode-server/bin 553cfb2c2205db5f15f3ee8395bbd5cf066d357d Download tarball replacing $COMMIT_ID with the the commit … Read more