CNAME SSL certificates

Whether your DNS entry uses a CNAME or an A record doesn’t matter. What matters is the host name the client is trying to connect to. It must match one of the Subject Alternative Names in the certificate of the server providing that resource (or, failing that, it must match the CN RDN of the … Read more

Specifying trust store information in spring boot

In case if you need to make a REST call you can use the next way. This will work for outgoing calls through RestTemplate. Declare the RestTemplate bean like this. @Configuration public class SslConfiguration { @Value(“${}”) private Resource keyStore; @Value(“${}”) private String keyStorePassword; @Bean RestTemplate restTemplate() throws Exception { SSLContext sslContext = new SSLContextBuilder() .loadTrustMaterial( … Read more

Ignore SSL certificate errors in Xamarin.Forms (PCL)

ServicePointManager isn’t defined in PCL but defined in platform specific classes. There are ServicePointManager in both Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android with same usage. You can reference it inside any classes in your platform projects. However, currently there is no such class and seems no way to do so for Windows Phone app. Example: // Xamarin.Android public … Read more

Can you use a service worker with a self-signed certificate?

As an alternative to using self-signed certificates, you can launch Chrome or Firefox such that it pretends certain domains are secure. For example, using Chrome on a Mac, you can launch it using: /Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ –user-data-dir=/tmp/foo –unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure= Service workers should then work from More info can be found here: Options for testing … Read more

SSL Multilevel Subdomain Wildcard

No, it is not possible. A wildcard inside a name only reflects a single label and the wildcard can only be leftmost. Thus *.* or www.* are not possible. And * will neither match nor, only But you can have multiple wildcard names inside the same certificate, that is you can have … Read more

Use self signed certificate with cURL?

This is just another version of this question: Using openssl to get the certificate from a server Or put more bluntly: Using curl –cert is wrong, it is for client certificates. First, get the the certs your server is using: $ echo quit | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername server -connect server:443 > cacert.pem (-servername is … Read more