Binding to Collapse event in Twitter Bootstrap 3

When the documentation lists the available events, it’s just a promise that it will always raise each particular event at a particular time. For example, will be raised whenever: a collapsed element has been hidden from the user. Whether or not anybody’s listening to that event hasn’t yet come into play. To leverage this, … Read more

Decreasing height of bootstrap 3.0 navbar

After spending few hours, adding the following css class fixed my issue. Work with Bootstrap 3.0.* .tnav .navbar .container { height: 28px; } Work with Bootstrap 3.3.4 .navbar-nav > li > a, .navbar-brand { padding-top:4px !important; padding-bottom:0 !important; height: 28px; } .navbar {min-height:28px !important;} Update Complete code to customize and decrease height of navbar with … Read more

Is there a hosted version of Twitter Bootstrap? [closed] Hosts the Javascript, CSS, and Image files. Additionally hosts the Font Awesome CSS and a selection of Bootswatch themes. Maintained by @jdorfman and @mervinej. Hosts the JavaScript, CSS and Image files. Check the GitHub repo for more specifics. Also hosts a ton of other JS libraries, including plenty of Bootstrap plugins/addons. Maintained by … Read more

How can I get my Twitter Bootstrap buttons to right align?

Insert pull-right into the class attribute and let bootstrap arrange the buttons. For Bootstrap 2.3, see: > Helper classes > .pull-right. For Bootstrap 3, see: > Helper classes. For Bootstrap 4, see: The pull-right command was removed and replaced with float-right or in general to float-{sm,md,lg,xl}-{left,right,none} For Boostrap 5, see: The … Read more

Prefixing all selectors for twitter bootstrap in less

To avoid the problems mentioned in periklis’s answer: create your own prefixed-bootstrap.less that re-compiles the compiled bootstrap.css in : .bootstrap { @import (less) ‘dist/css/bootstrap.css’; @import (less) ‘dist/css/bootstrap-theme.css’; /* optional */ } No need for sed commands then. The observations mentioned in Lars Nielsen’s answer are of course still valid.

Different slide duration for each item on bootstrap 3.1 carousel

Bootstrap 3.1 carousel don’t allow diferent duration for each slide, but it offers one method and one event that we can use in order to ahieve this. We will use the event to detect when the carousel has completed its slide transition and the .carousel(‘pause’) option to stop the carousel from cycling through items. … Read more