Group files in Visual Studio

In your project file : <Compile Include=”FileA.cs”/> <Compile Include=”FileA.xml”> <DependentUpon>FileA.cs</DependentUpon> </Compile> Or you could use Group Items command of VSCommands 2010 extension. Edit: Just in case your file is in a folder, don’t include the folder name in DependentUpon tag. For example if your file is in Helpers folder: <Compile Include=”Helpers\FileA.cs”/> <Compile Include=”Helpers\FileA.xml”> <DependentUpon>FileA.cs</DependentUpon> </Compile>

Visual Studio – Where to define custom path macros?

Here the approach is described with pictures: In Visual Studio you need to: Click in the main menu “View”, then “Property Manager” Right-click in the empty space of “Property Manager” window and in the pop-up menu click “Add New Project Property Sheet” After adding the property sheet, double click it in the Property Manager … Read more