Turn SSL verification off for JGit clone command

With version 4.9, JGit will handle SSL verification more gracefully. If the SSL
handshake was unsuccessful, JGit will ask the CredentialsProvider whether SSL verification should be skipped or not.

In this process, the CredentialsProvider is given an InformationalMessage describing the issue textually and up to three YesNoType CredentialItems to decide whether to skip SSL verification for this operation, for the current repository, and/or always.

It seems that the change was made with an interactive UI in mind and it might be hard to answer these ‘credential requests’ programmatically. The commit message of this change describes the behavior in more detail.

If you are certain that SSL verification is the only InformationalMessage that will be sent, you can apply the technique used in this test that accompanies the change and blindly answer ‘yes’ to all such questions.

For earlier versions of JGit, or if the CredentialsProvider model does not fit your needs, there are two workarounds described below.

To work around this limitation, you can execute the specific clone steps manually as suggested in the comments below:

  • init a repository using the InitCommand
  • set ssl verify to false
    StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig();
    config.setBoolean( "http", null, "sslVerify", false );
  • fetch (see FetchCommand)
  • checkout (see CheckoutCommand)

Another way to work around the issue is to provide an HttpConnectionFactory that returns HttpConnections with dummy host name and certificate verifiers. For example:

class InsecureHttpConnectionFactory implements HttpConnectionFactory {

  public HttpConnection create( URL url ) throws IOException {
    return create( url, null );

  public HttpConnection create( URL url, Proxy proxy ) throws IOException {
    HttpConnection connection = new JDKHttpConnectionFactory().create( url, proxy );
    HttpSupport.disableSslVerify( connection );
    return connection;

HttpConnection is in package org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http and is a JGit abstraction for HTTP connections. While the example uses the default implementation (backed by JDK http code), you are free to use your own implementation or the one provided by the org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http.apache package that uses Apache http components.

The currently used connection factory can be changed with HttpTransport::setConnectionFactory():

HttpConnectionFactory preservedConnectionFactory = HttpTransport.getConnectionFactory();
HttpTransport.setConnectionFactory( new InsecureHttpConnectionFactory() );
// clone repository
HttpTransport.setConnectionFactory( preservedConnectionFactory );

Unfortunately, the connection factory is a singleton so that this trick needs extra work (e.g. a thread local variable to control if sslVerify is on or off) when JGit commands are executed concurrently.

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