Turn while loop number game into a do while loop number game [closed]

Solution to your problem

       System.out.println("Guess your number");
      guess = scan.nextInt();
       if(guess == randomNumber) {
            System.out.println("You are correct");
       else if (guess > randomNumber){
           System.out.println("Too high.");
       else if (guess < randomNumber){
           System.out.println("Too low");
       else {
           System.out.println("Try again");



    do {
       System.out.println("Guess your number");
      guess = scan.nextInt();
       if(guess == randomNumber) {
            System.out.println("You are correct");
       else if (guess > randomNumber){
           System.out.println("Too high.");
       else if (guess < randomNumber){
           System.out.println("Too low");
       else {
           System.out.println("Try again");


The Difference

In a while loop, the code can run 0-* times. (0 to many). In a do-while loop, the code can run 1-* times.

Stack overflow ethos

Try to think of this place as more of a last resort. I googled do while loop java and the first link was this which explains your issue perfectly. In future, perhaps you should use your own methods of research before you rely on ours.

Edit for you

A for loop is different, in that it will run x times. Like so:

for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
   System.out.println("Hello " + x);
    * OUTPUT:
    * Hello 0
    * Hello 1
    * Hello 2
    * Hello 3
    * Hello 4

Applying While loops to your problem

The do-while loop has a conditional statement in it, inside the while.

do {
while(something is true)

Think of that as your if statement. Now you want that to be true, until the person has guessed 12 times. It only logically follows that you want to keep count of the number of guesses, so we’ll introduce an int called guesses. And you only want guesses to reach 12 and no more, so this is where we’ll go from.

do {
   // Some code goes here.
   guesses ++;
   // Increase the number of guesses if they got it wrong.
while(correct = false && guesses < 12)

What I’ve done is made up a variable called correct, that tells if the person got it right or not. And I increase the value in guesses each time they make a guess that’s wrong. That means the loop will only stop if:

  • The person guesses correctly
  • The person had 12 attempts

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