Upload file to SharePoint drive using Microsoft Graph

In order to get all the files of a drive using v1.0, you would first need to get an access token (which I see you are already passed that), then get the ‘drive-id’ and use the following URL(note: its not ‘drive’ it is ‘drives’):


To get the drive id, I made the following GET request using postman, this will list all the drives on the site and you will be able to get the ID of that drive:

https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{tenant}.sharepoint.com:{path-to-site(ie: /sites/HR)}:/drives

To answer your question regarding Uploading files, you will make a PUT request to the following URL:


You will need to set two required headers:

  • Authorization
  • Content-Type

Next, you will pass the binary stream of the file into the body of the request.

Other helpful items

Get all files inside of a folder:


Get content of users OneDrive:



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