Vue: wait to render until all components are mounted

I’m not sure that a dynamic component can help in your case, but I guess that your company’s website will not really benefit from this. Indeed, the problem of the content jumping will still be present IMO.

<component :is="currentTabComponent"></component>

I still think that you content is highly static IMO and that you could even switch to full static to have the best performance benefits rather than having to wait for a long time (TTFB) while SPA is loading all the content. It may be a bit more challenging to have everything look nice of course (before/after the hydration).

Also, you should have an idea of the approximate size of your containers. In that case, you could use some skeletons and a maybe even a prototyping font to visually populate the blocks.

In case you do not agree or think that this is not doable, you still have this solution to your disposal

<child-component @hook:mounted="makeSomeStuff"></child-component>

With this you may be able to display a full-sized loader until your content is done loading. You could add a mixin with the longer mounted syntax in each component to avoid too much boilerplate but this one is deprecated and do have various issues.

But IMO, the issue is more in your way of fetching the data (asyncData and fetch hooks are nice) and the way that everything is full dynamic when there is no specific need. If it’s more important to keep the dynamic part, I guess that you can be serious on code reviews or plug some git hooks or alike to kinda scan the code and see if the required mounted emits are in place.

There is no ideal solution in your case but keep in mind that Lighthouse will always prefer some SSR content with the less amount of JS. Here is my personal bible to anything performance related, you could probably grasp some nice tips in this really in-depth article.

Update for Vue3

The syntax has changed for Vue3:

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