What does the `forall` keyword in Haskell/GHC do?

Let’s start with a code example:

foob :: forall a b. (b -> b) -> b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
foob postProcess onNothin onJust mval =
    postProcess val
        val :: b
        val = maybe onNothin onJust mval

This code doesn’t compile (syntax error) in plain Haskell 98. It requires an extension to support the forall keyword.

Basically, there are 3 different common uses for the forall keyword (or at least so it seems), and each has its own Haskell extension: ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes/Rank2Types, ExistentialQuantification.

The code above doesn’t get a syntax error with either of those enabled, but only type-checks with ScopedTypeVariables enabled.

Scoped Type Variables:

Scoped type variables helps one specify types for code inside where clauses. It makes the b in val :: b the same one as the b in foob :: forall a b. (b -> b) -> b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b.

A confusing point: you may hear that when you omit the forall from a type it is actually still implicitly there. (from Norman’s answer: “normally these languages omit the forall from polymorphic types”). This claim is correct, but it refers to the other uses of forall, and not to the ScopedTypeVariables use.


Let’s start with that mayb :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b is equivalent to mayb :: forall a b. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b, except for when ScopedTypeVariables is enabled.

This means that it works for every a and b.

Let’s say you want to do something like this.

ghci> let putInList x = [x]
ghci> liftTup putInList (5, "Blah")
([5], ["Blah"])

What must be the type of this liftTup? It’s liftTup :: (forall x. x -> f x) -> (a, b) -> (f a, f b). To see why, let’s try to code it:

ghci> let liftTup liftFunc (a, b) = (liftFunc a, liftFunc b)
ghci> liftTup (\x -> [x]) (5, "Hello")
    No instance for (Num [Char])
ghci> -- huh?
ghci> :t liftTup
liftTup :: (t -> t1) -> (t, t) -> (t1, t1)

“Hmm.. why does GHC infer that the tuple must contain two of the same type? Let’s tell it they don’t have to be”

-- test.hs
liftTup :: (x -> f x) -> (a, b) -> (f a, f b)
liftTup liftFunc (t, v) = (liftFunc t, liftFunc v)

ghci> :l test.hs
    Couldnt match expected type 'x' against inferred type 'b'

Hmm. so here GHC doesn’t let us apply liftFunc on v because v :: b and liftFunc wants an x. We really want our function to get a function that accepts any possible x!

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
liftTup :: (forall x. x -> f x) -> (a, b) -> (f a, f b)
liftTup liftFunc (t, v) = (liftFunc t, liftFunc v)

So it’s not liftTup that works for all x, it’s the function that it gets that does.

Existential Quantification:

Let’s use an example:

-- test.hs
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data EQList = forall a. EQList [a]
eqListLen :: EQList -> Int
eqListLen (EQList x) = length x

ghci> :l test.hs
ghci> eqListLen $ EQList ["Hello", "World"]

How is that different from Rank-N-Types?

ghci> :set -XRankNTypes
ghci> length (["Hello", "World"] :: forall a. [a])
    Couldnt match expected type 'a' against inferred type '[Char]'

With Rank-N-Types, forall a meant that your expression must fit all possible as. For example:

ghci> length ([] :: forall a. [a])

An empty list does work as a list of any type.

So with Existential-Quantification, foralls in data definitions mean that, the value contained can be of any suitable type, not that it must be of all suitable types.

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