whats wrong with this code??(c1.CommandText = "insert into stu values='" + textBox1 + "','" + textBox2 + "'";)

Your code should be..

c1.CommandText = "insert into stu values('" + textBox1.Text + "','" + textBox2.Text + "')";

but I’d suggest you to use parameterized SQL query to avoid SQL injection attacks

here is how your query will look after parameterising

c1.CommandText = "insert into stu values(@textBox1, @textBox2)";

c1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@textBox1", textBox1.Text)
c1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@textBox2", textBox2.Text)

here is an useful link that will help you to know more about parameterized queries.

Using Parameterized queries to prevent SQL Injection Attacks in SQL Server

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