When using wrapper, how to preserve class and method name for Log4Net to log?

Log4net allows you to access method name for instance like this %method. This is not the fastest operation but if you need to debug something you may very well use it. I believe your question is about the fact that log4net will not output the correct method name if you use a wrapper.

To solve that problem you have to look at how log4net wrote the ILog implementation. This is basically a wrapper around the internal log4net Logger and therefore the very same problem applies to the ILog implementation, too. I did basically the following:

// define a field such as this
private static readonly Type ThisDeclaringType = typeof(MyLogWrapper);

// in constructor. Note: I use the internal Logger!
this.Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(name).Logger;

// I created a WriteLog method that calls the internal logger like this
// you will need to translate to the internal log levels
// message and ex are the items I want to log (ex can be null)
this.Logger.Log(MyLogWrapper.ThisDeclaringType, log4netLevel, message, ex);

Obviously there are some things to do yet, but the important points are mentioned.

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